about us

About Us

We VISHOKA INTERNATIONAL is one of the leading consultants in Bangalore since 2008. The Registered office is at Hosur and having branches at Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore. We have highly Experienced Engineers who all are worked in different manufacturing industries. We VISHOKA International successfully completed and awarded 2500 plus QMS 9001:2015 Certificates in last 10 years at Bangalore, Hosur, Chennai and Coimbatore.

about images


We VISHOKA INTERNATIONAL is one of the leading consultants in Bangalore since 2008. The Registered office is at Hosur and having branches at Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore. We have highly Experienced Engineers who all are worked in different manufacturing industries. We VISHOKA International successfully completed and awarded 2500 plus QMS 9001:2015 Certificates in last 10 years at Bangalore, Hosur, Chennai and Coimbatore

  1. ISO 9001:2015 - Auditor Transition Training
  2. Documentation in ISO 9001:2015
  3. More ISO 9001 training


We are providing Establishment, Implementation and Trainings for ISO 9001:2015, EMS 14001, and OSHAS 45001 at your Factory premises for achieving Certification

Our engineers will provide you the soft copies of Manual and 22 Procedures of

  1. Company Quality Manual
  2. Procedures of Instruments Calibration
  3. Procedure for Change Management
  4. Procedure for the Context of the Organization
  5. Procedure for the Control of Documents
  6. Procedure for the Control of NC Product
  7. Procedure for the Control of Records
  8. Procedure for the Control of Third Party Property
  9. Procedure for the Corrective & Preventive Action
  10. Procedure for the Equipment Validation
  11. Procedure for the Identification and Traceability
  12. Procedure for the Internal Auditing
  13. Procedure for the Management Review
  14. Procedure for the Outsourced Processes
  15. Procedure for the Preservation
  16. Procedure for the Preventive Maintenance
  17. Procedure for the Purchasing
  18. Procedure for the Quoting and Orders
  19. Procedure for the Receiving
  20. Procedure for the Risk & Opportunity Management
  21. Procedure for the Shipping
  22. Procedure for the special process
  23. Procedure for the Training

Apart from these documents VISHOKA will implement the documents for each and every procedures and evidence with actual evaluation with required records. This documents are like

  1. Incoming Inspection Register
  2. Inprocess Inspection Register
  3. Setup Approval register
  4. Final Inspection report
  5. Instrument Calibration Reports
  6. Instruments Calibration Register
  7. List of Instruments with Calibration due Date
  8. Instrument / Gauge History Card and usage limit
  9. List of Employees with Skill level Matrix
  10. List of Training required / Identified
  11. Training schedule with training requirement
  12. List of Machineries and Maintenance Record
  13. Machine History Card
  14. Machine Maintenance History Daily/weekly/monthly/annually
  15. Rework register
  16. Rejection Register
  17. Cost Of Poor Quality
  18. Overall Equipment Efficiency
  19. Customer Satisfaction survey Trend
  20. Customer Complaints Trend
  21. Customer Complaints and Corrective Actions
  22. Internal complaints and Corrective Action
  23. 5s Training and Audit
  24. Breakdown Register
  25. Tool Consumption Trend
  26. Annual Maintenance Plan
  27. List of Customers
  28. Contract review meeting
  29. Schedule Vs Supply
  30. List of Customer property
  31. Internal Audit Plan
  32. Management Review Meeting
  33. Minutes of Meeting
  34. Internal Quality System Audit Check List
  35. Route Map
  36. Daily Plan Vs Production review register and Corrective action
  37. Supplier Evaluation Form
  38. Supplier Audit Plan
  39. Approved Supplier List
  40. Supplier Audit and Corrective Action
  41. And extra….

We will be with you for your new customer audits, annual quality management audit, Supplier assessment, new product development etc…

We will be with you for the entire process of ISO certification process until awarding the Certification

We will conduct Internal Quality Audit by Once in three months or six months (Based on Customer requirement), Management Review Meetings etc.

We will provide Trainings for Continual Improvements, Customer Complaints, Internal Quality Audits, Management Review, Employee motivational Trainings, 5S Establishment and Implementation, Monitoring of Measuring devices, Cost of Poor Quality, Control Plan, FMEA, PSW and all PPAP related trainings.

After Certification we will be there for 24X7 bases for system related support

We VISHOKA International now providing online training Classes for Individuals as well as companies about the QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDOUS AND SAFTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

VISHOKA providing online trainings from 5s to Customer Audit.


Audit planning and preparation: Audit preparation consists of planning everything that is done in advance by interested parties, such as the auditor, the lead auditor, the client, and the audit program manager, to ensure that the audit complies with the client’s objective. This stage of an audit begins with the decision to conduct the audit and ends when the audit itself begins..

Audit execution: The execution phase of an audit is often called the fieldwork. It is the data-gathering portion of the audit and covers the time period from arrival at the audit location up to the exit meeting. It consists of multiple activities including on-site audit management, meeting with the auditee, understanding the process and system controls and verifying that these controls work, communicating among team members, and communicating with the auditee..

Audit reporting: The purpose of the audit report is to communicate the results of the investigation. The report should provide correct and clear data that will be effective as a management aid in addressing important organizational issues. The audit process may end when the report is issued by the lead auditor or after follow-up actions are completed.

Audit follow-up and closure: According to ISO 19011, clause 6.6, "The audit is completed when all the planned audit activities have been carried out, or otherwise agreed with the audit client." Clause 6.7 of ISO 19011 continues by stating that verification of follow-up actions may be part of a subsequent audit